Overview Tirohanga whānui

Overview of information for broadcasters


All broadcasters are subject to the requirements of the Broadcasting Standards Codebook and relevant parts of the Broadcasting Act 1989. This section provides general guidance for broadcasters on the standards and how to deal with complaints, publicity notices and the annual broadcasting levy.


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Broadcaster obligations

  • You must observe broadcasting standards in programmes broadcast by you.
  • You must have a process for dealing with complaints from your audience.
  • You are expected to keep recordings of all programmes broadcast by you for at least 35 days in case a complaint is made.
  • You must broadcast publicity notices (promos) which tell your audience they have the right to complain if they think a programme has breached standards.
  • You must submit an annual Levy Return to the BSA and in some cases pay a levy to the BSA.



The Broadcasting Standards Codebook contains the standards for radio, free-to-air television and pay television programmes, along with with guidelines for how the standards apply. The Election Programmes Code applies to election programmes during the election period for a general election or a by-election. Information about the standards is here

The BSA is happy to provide training to broadcasters on what the standards are and how they apply. Please contact us on 0800 366 996 or email info@bsa.govt.nz to arrange a time.  

Radio Spectrum Queries

Radio Spectrum Management is part of the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment and manages New Zealand’s radio frequency spectrum, supporting wireless telecommunications and radio and television broadcasting.

For information about the radio frequency spectrum in New Zealand including the allocation of rights for the use of the spectrum to new broadcasters, and complying with the spectrum requirements, contact the Crown Spectrum Asset Manager at Radio Spectrum Management: email info@rsm.govt.nz.

Other Useful Links


Radio Broadcasters Association Inc (RBA)
Represents the commercial radio industry

Think TV (formerly the Television Broadcasters’ Council)
Promotes free-to-air television for advertising and marketing

Right-holders/copyright organisations for broadcasting music

Te Whakaruruhau o Ngā Reo Irirangi Māori
Facilitates collaboration across the Iwi Radio network