Waiting for God. Complaint that there was gratuitous blasphemy. Not upheld (good taste and decency, discrimination and denigration).
Holmes, Foreign Correspondent. Items dealing with IRA. Not upheld (balance).
Holmes. Item showed cricketers wearing clothing with liquor company logo on it. Complaint that advertisement not clearly distinguishable from other programme material. Not upheld (liquor).
Defenders of the Earth. Complaint about violence in cartoon series. Not upheld (children's interests, violence).
Holmes. Item reviewed rugby match in which a liquor advertising sign was shown. Complaint that the item showed partiality towards the liquor company concerned. Not upheld (balance, accuracy).
Obscene joke about women in station's final hour. Upheld (good taste and decency). No order.
Two items on One Network News (16 January, 6 February) and one on Holmes (4 February) dealing with incidents in the Middle East. Upheld (accuracy): item on 4 February. No order.
Holmes. Interview with Jacqueline Stallone, in which she strongly criticised Queen Elizabeth II, and her later refusal to give an apology when reinterviewed. Upheld (balance, fairness). Not upheld (law and order, accuracy, responsible programming). No order.
Frontline: "Medical Misadventure". Cases of babies medically impaired during delivery were used to illustrate the complexities involved in, and the shortcomings of, the procedures for discipline in the medical profession. Not upheld (balance).
Holmes. Item about an Auckland strip club owner. Not upheld (discrimination and denigration).