News Ngā Pūrongo o te Wā

BSA news and media releases including the BSA Pānui newsletter
News and Media Releases
Two New Decisions Released

We have released two new decisions. One of these is an election complaint decision, under the Election Programmes Code .

Five Decisions released today

Today we released five decisions. None of these were upheld. See our media releases on two of these decisions.

First election complaint decided

Today we have released our first election complaint decision, under the Election Programmes Code. The complaint about a National Party advertisement was not upheld.

Twelve Decisions released today

Today we released twelve decisions. None of these were upheld. Click on the Latest Decisions button below to see all the new decisions.

Our Latest Reseach

Today we have published two pieces of research: an external review of BSA privacy decisions, and the 2014 broadcasters’ satisfaction survey.

Our latest decisions released

Fourteen decisions were released in July. Two were upheld, one of these by majority. Twelve decisions were not upheld.

Ten decisions released in June

Ten decisions were released in June. BSA upheld one decision on the privacy standard. Click on the Latest Decisions button below to see all the new decisions.

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