Safer Sex. Programme about sex with target audience in 16 to 25 age range. Not upheld (good taste and decency, balance).
Safer Sex. Programme about sex with target audience in 16 to 25 age range. Not upheld (good taste and decency, law and order, balance, responsible programming).
Frontline. Programme about CORSO. Not upheld (privacy, balance, fairness).
Frontline: "For the Public Good". Programme dealt with two topics on electoral system, using extensive interviews. Upheld (accuracy). Not upheld (balance). Declined to determine (fairness). Orders (broadcast of correction and apology; order for TVNZ to refrain from broadcasting advertising programmes for one evening from 6pm to closedown).
Holmes Show. Procedural issues, conflicting version of the facts. The Authority ordered the complaint by the New Zealand Immigration Service to be referred back to the broadcaster.
3 National News. Item about the torture of an AIDS carrier. Upheld (children's interests). Not upheld (good taste and decency, violence). No order.
Listener advertisement about the Maori Battalion. Praise for the Battaiion attributed to Rommel incorrect. Upheld (accuracy). No order.
Labour Party advertisement concerning the National Party's health and defence policies. Complaint that created false impression. Not upheld (accuracy of election programme).
Mini-series Murderers Among Us: The Story of Simon Weisenthal. Complaint about broadcast of advertisements during programme about legendary Nazi-hunter. Not upheld (good taste and decency).
Prospects. Documentary examined the anti-mining movement on the Coromandel Peninsula. Upheld (balance). No order.