Broadcaster Satisfaction Survey 2022

Full Report: Broadcaster Satisfaction Survey 2022 [PDF]

Each year, we survey broadcasters to understand how satisfied they are with our processes, services and working relationships. We use the results to help identify any areas for improvement.

This year we invited all broadcasters known to the BSA to take part. Thirty-three completed the survey, representing a response rate of 37%.

We asked broadcasters how satisfied they were with: complaints determination; BSA research; the BSA website; information provision and communications, including the use of languages other than English; and their working relationship with the BSA.

2022 results include:

  • Ratings of all aspects of interactions with the BSA remain positive and are generally higher than in 2021.
  • 89% of broadcasters who report having a complaint determined by the BSA in the last year rate the process ‘very good’ or ‘good’, up from 78% in 2021.
  • The positive rating for ‘working relationships’ is consistent with last year, at 81%, and perceptions of timeliness have improved.
  • Over nine in ten broadcasters positively rate the general information the BSA provides on the complaints process and broadcaster obligations.
  • Awareness of BSA research was higher than last year, and it is generally seen as being of value to broadcasters. Our offensive language research was the most-read report, with over half of survey respondents saying they have read it.
  • Nearly nine in 10 have visited the BSA website in the past year, up from seven in 10 in 2021, while 15% say they visit monthly. Some 84% rate all website aspects tested as ‘good’ or ‘very good’, compared with 74% last year.

While the results reflect broad satisfaction with how we work and the services we provide, we will consider feedback on areas for improvement with a focus on:

  • continuing to include more te Reo Māori on the BSA website
  • giving broadcasters opportunities to offer input on future research topics
  • addressing the desire for ongoing broadcaster training and/or onboarding resources for new staff.