Complainants Satisfaction Survey 2020

Executive Summary: Complainants Satisfaction Survey 2020 [PDF]

The complainants satisfaction survey asks complainants who have had a complaint determined by the Broadcasting Standards Authority (BSA) in the period from 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020 about their level of satisfaction with the BSA’s services. The feedback is used to help BSA make improvements to its operations.

Key information regarding the 2020 survey includes:

  • A total of 46 complainants completed the survey in 2020.
  • Of the 46 respondents, 17% had their complaints upheld and the complaints of the remaining 83% were not upheld.
  • 35% of complainants agreed or strongly agreed that that the BSA handled their part of the complaints process well (a slight reduction against the 40% rating in 2017/19 and 36% in 2017/18).
  • Complainants are generally satisfied regarding their interactions with BSA with satisfaction ratings for:
    • telephone contact at 79%
    • staff professionalism at 80.5%
    • written correspondence at 76%.
  • Almost all complainants (96%) are aware of or have used a BSA resource (eg website, code of broadcasting practice, guidance sheet).
  • Satisfaction with the BSA’s website (following its May 2019 refresh) has risen to 71% (vs 55% in 2018/19).

In light of the survey results, the BSA’s areas of focus for improvement will be on:

  • enhancing communication with complainants regarding complaint handling progress, timelines and procedural requirements
  • the use of simple, plain English language in BSA decisions and correspondence
  • ensuring BSA decisions clearly explain how the broadcasting standards and threshold for BSA intervention apply.